Pluto Enters Aquarius – Kinda, Sorta, but Definitely Does Next January – Humanity’s Transformation

First, a Bit About Pluto

Pluto, the mysterious planet that governs the unconscious and darker aspects of our psyche, is on the move again this year, sparking significant changes in our society’s power dynamics. Its movements are important as it takes 248 years for it to move through the whole zodiac. In 2008, when Pluto first moved into Capricorn, it triggered a financial crisis that had long-lasting effects. The event led to the rise of social movements such as Occupy Wall Street, the Indignados movement, and the Arab Spring. It also gave birth to the concept of cryptocurrency, exposing the deceit and corruption that runs the world, and marked the beginning of a decade of change.

Even though we have learned a lot in the past decade, there is still a dark side to Pluto’s action. While some regulations were put in place in response to the 2008 banking crash, we’re even more beholden to the government and banks. The cryptocurrency world is dominated by oligarchs, and the Arab Spring and Hong Kong movements were co-opted by Western elites. With everything Pluto does, something sinister lurks in the shadows that we must confront as a society and as individuals.

Pluto’s Shadowy Origins

This mysterious and enigmatic planet was discovered in 1930 by the Lowell Observatory in the United States. However, its origins are shrouded in mystery. The official story goes that a British 11-year-old girl named Venetia Burney suggested the name “Pluto” over the breakfast table one morning. Her grandfather, a librarian at the University of Oxfort, suggested it to an astronomer friend who was involved in the discussion on what to name the planet.

There are two possible scenarios for how Pluto got its name. The first is that Venetia really was a student of Greek mythology at 11 years old and intuitively understood the significance of this distant planet (very Plutonian in itself – a child grasping the role of a planet associated with the darker aspects of the unconscious), then going on to live a whole life unacknowledged for NAMING A FUCKING PLANET for another 60 years, earning nothing other than the £5 her grandfather originally awarded her at the time. The woman who named Pluto remained unknown for her whole life – VERY Plutonian.

Alternatively, some astronomers involved in the naming process were also astrologers and understood the significance of their discovery. After all, Astronomy owes much of its knowledge to the observations recorded by astrologers over thousands of years. Whatever the true story, Pluto’s shadowy origins only add to its mysterious and powerful nature.

Pluto in Aquarius

Capricorn and Aquarius are both governed by the planet Saturn – the daddy of the sky. His nature is of rules, structure, time, gravity, discipline, restriction, repression, oppression. The structure and government side of Saturn is Capricornian, while Aquarius is more concerned with how those things are structured – the systems we live under. Capricorn likes to enforce systems and Aquarius likes to innovate and advance those systems. So when Pluto comes into Aquarius, which it first did on the 23rd of March (2023), we’ve begun a collective uprooting of the very systems underlying the authorities instead of confronting those authorities directly. Namely, we’re beginning to uproot the computers that have been running our lives since the dawn of the 21st Century.

On November 30th 2022, ChatGPT was first made available to the public for research purposes, beginning a slow snowball effect of popularity which has been growing ever-since. Although it is styled as AI (Artificial Intelligence), it isn’t AI according to the true definition, but it has unleashed a powerful tool in the world, allowing people to research gigantic volumes of information in an instant and even compose academic essays within moments. Lecturers are having to correct papers written by “AI” and poetry/academic publications are having to reject thousands of submissions people are sending in, which are written by ChatGPT. Then, on the 14th of March, OpenAI announces the release of GPT-4 – the next evolution of the “AI” chatbot, capable of analysing sounds and images, and creating sounds and images. This super-advanced computing system is dangerously close to passing “The Turing Test”, convincing humans that they’re talking to a human and not a sophisticated machine. We’re about to face a reckoning with our own technology, and the predicted future of robots taking most of our jobs is very clearly on the horizon.

On the flip-side, the exposure of human corruption in our power structures continues. The crimes of the neo-colonial West are being called out by African peoples, Asian peoples, Russia, and even indigenous people within the West such as the Irish. Many injustices are being brought to light within national borders and from without. For the next 20 years expect to see an increase in these revelations, as well as groundbreaking computing innovations and new inventions which rock our perception of reality to the core. Just like the old financial regime collapsed after 2008 and was replaced by something more sinister, we must be aware of the current collapse of our very definitions of reality, and instead of allowing the current ruling elite replacing it with their own reality,  you must arm yourself with awareness and prepare to replace the old reality with your own. One of kindness and abundance. The ultimate innovation is one that includes all voices in a fair and balanced manner, encouraging each individual to live in their own truth while contrarily allowing others to live in their own. This is a process which may take years or decades, and our social systems are designed to facilitate such fairness, but they are riddled with individuals who profit from and gain fullfilment from conflict and hatred. This period calls us to return to the primary principals of our society – equality under the law and acknowledgement of eachother’s divine right to exist.

Pluto’s First Move Into Aquarius

In March 2023, Pluto began its journey through Aquarius, signaling a period of collective transformation and upheaval in societal structures. As the planet of death and rebirth, Pluto brings to the surface hidden truths and deep-seated issues that must be addressed and transformed for evolution to occur. The Sun in Aries fueled a sense of ambition and drive, with a conjunction to expansive Jupiter providing opportunities for growth and expansion. However, the square to Pluto indicates the need to confront power structures and systemic issues hindering progress.

With the Moon in Libra, there was a focus on balance and harmony in relationships, but oppositions to both the Sun and Jupiter created tensions and conflicts. These oppositions also squared Pluto, emphasizing the need for transformation in how we relate to others and navigate power dynamics. Mercury in Pisces offered opportunities for intuitive insights and creative thinking, while Venus in Aquarius conjuncted Pluto, indicating intense and transformative experiences in matters of love and relationships.

Mars in Gemini formed a harmonious trine to Pluto, offering drive and ambition in pursuit of transformative goals. Jupiter formed a helpful sextile to Saturn in Aquarius, providing support for implementing new structures and systems. However, Jupiter’s square to Pluto emphasized the need to confront power structures and systemic issues that may be hindering progress. Saturn’s semi-sextile to Neptune in Pisces suggests a need for practicality and groundedness in navigating spiritual and creative pursuits. This period highlights the need for collective transformation and a willingness to confront and transform deep-seated issues for societal evolution to occur.

Pluto in Aquarius Horoscopes



The March 2023 astrological data shows that with the Sun and Jupiter conjunct in your sign, you are feeling powerful and confident. You have the potential to make big things happen this month, but beware of the square to Pluto, as it could bring up power struggles or issues with authority figures. Focus on using your energy for positive change and being a leader in your community.


With Uranus in your sign and the Sun in Aries, you may be feeling restless and in need of change. The trine between Mars and Pluto suggests that you have the drive and determination to make things happen, but be mindful of the square to Pluto, which could bring up intense emotions or power struggles. Use this energy to shake things up in a positive way.


With Mars in your sign and a trine to Pluto, you have the energy and focus to accomplish your goals this month. However, the square between the Sun and Pluto suggests that power struggles or conflicts may arise. Use your communication skills to navigate these challenges and find a peaceful resolution.


With the Moon in Libra and opposite the Sun and Jupiter in Aries, you may be feeling torn between your personal desires and your relationships with others. The square to Pluto suggests that conflicts or power struggles may arise, so focus on maintaining balance and finding compromise.


With the Sun and Jupiter in your house of career, you may be feeling ambitious and driven this month. However, the square to Pluto could bring up challenges or power struggles in your professional life. Use your creativity and leadership skills to find solutions and move forward.


With the semi-sextile between Saturn and Neptune, you may be feeling pulled between your practical responsibilities and your desire for spiritual growth or creative pursuits. Use the sextile between Mercury and Uranus to find innovative solutions and make progress in both areas.


With the Moon in your sign and opposite the Sun and Jupiter in Aries, you may be feeling emotional and in need of balance. The square to Pluto suggests that conflicts or power struggles may arise, so focus on maintaining harmony and finding compromise in your relationships.


With Venus and Pluto conjunct in your house of partnerships, you may be feeling intense emotions in your relationships this month. Use the trine between Mars and Pluto to channel this energy into positive changes and growth.


With the Sun and Jupiter in your house of adventure and expansion, you may be feeling optimistic and ready for new experiences. However, the square to Pluto could bring up power struggles or conflicts in your pursuit of growth. Use your natural curiosity and adaptability to find new solutions and navigate these challenges.


With Saturn in Aquarius and sextile to Jupiter, you may be feeling a sense of stability and confidence this month. Use this energy to focus on your long-term goals and take practical steps towards achieving them.


With Pluto entering your sign, you may be feeling a sense of transformation and rebirth. The conjunction between Venus and Pluto suggests that you may also be experiencing intense emotions or changes in your relationships. Use this energy to create positive change and embrace new opportunities for growth.


With Mercury in your sign, you may find yourself more intuitive than usual during this time. Pay attention to your dreams and inner voice, as they may provide valuable insights into your personal and professional life. Your ruling planet Neptune is also in Pisces, heightening your sensitivity and creative abilities. However, be careful not to let your emotions overwhelm you. With the Moon in Libra, you may feel pulled in different directions and struggle to make decisions. Take time to weigh your options and seek advice from trusted friends and family. Overall, this is a good time for self-reflection and spiritual growth.


Pluto Returns to Capricorn

As Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th, we are called to revisit themes related to power, authority, and structures. This is a time to confront our relationship with power, both on an individual and collective level. We may find ourselves reassessing our goals, values, and the structures that support them. As we delve deeper into this process, we may encounter resistance, both within ourselves and from external sources. However, the transformative power of Pluto can help us shed old patterns and embrace new opportunities for growth.

The Sun’s sextile to Mars provides a boost of energy and motivation to pursue our goals. This aspect can give us the courage and determination to take action and make progress. However, the square to Neptune reminds us to stay mindful of illusions and confusion that may arise. It is essential to keep our feet on the ground while striving for our ambitions. The harmonious flow of emotions and actions indicated by the Moon’s trine to the Sun and Mars can help us stay motivated and confident in our endeavors. Additionally, Mercury’s conjunction with Venus highlights the need for communication and social connections. We may find that collaboration and connection with others can help us achieve our goals. However, the square to Chiron reminds us to be aware of any emotional wounds that may arise in our relationships. This is a time for healing and growth in our connections with others.

Pluto in Capricorn Horoscopes



With Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn in June 2023, Aries may feel a shift in their career and public image. You may have been feeling a sense of uncertainty or instability in your professional life, but this transit provides an opportunity for you to reassess your ambitions and goals. Take a step back and consider whether your current path aligns with your values and long-term vision. You may be challenged to confront any underlying fears or insecurities that are holding you back from achieving your aspirations. Use this time to focus on personal growth and development, as the insights gained during this transit can lead to transformative changes in your career trajectory.

As Pluto re-enters Aquarius in January 2024, Aries may experience a shift in their relationships and social connections. You may feel a greater sense of freedom to express your individuality and pursue your passions, which can attract like-minded individuals into your life. However, be aware that this transit can also bring power struggles or conflicts with authority figures or established institutions. Keep an open mind and be willing to challenge traditional ways of thinking, but also be mindful of the potential consequences of your actions. Use this time to cultivate meaningful connections with those who share your values and vision for the future.


Taurus, the Pluto retrograde may have brought up some intense emotions and conflicts related to your personal values, finances, and security. As Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th, you may find yourself revisiting old fears and insecurities surrounding your material possessions, which can lead to a sense of stagnation or even power struggles with others. Use this time to reflect on your relationship with money and the role it plays in your life. Remember that you are capable of creating abundance for yourself, but it’s important to approach this from a place of self-worth and responsibility rather than fear or greed.

As Pluto stations direct in October and re-enters Aquarius in January 2024, you may experience a shift in your perspective towards your personal resources and talents. You may be called to let go of old patterns of behavior and embrace new ways of creating financial stability and security. Your values may undergo a transformation, as you recognize the importance of integrity and authenticity in your relationships and career. Trust your instincts and remember that you have the power to manifest abundance in all areas of your life, as long as you are willing to put in the effort and take risks when necessary.


Gemini, the retrograde of Pluto back into Capricorn in June 2023 may have caused some internal shifts for you, particularly in regards to your career and reputation. You may have revisited some old goals or ways of approaching your work, and reconsidered your long-term plans. As Pluto retrogrades through your solar tenth house, you may be exploring what truly matters to you in terms of your public image and the legacy you want to leave behind. Be open to letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you, as this can be a time of transformation and rebirth for your professional life. Use the powerful aspects between the Sun, Moon, and Mars to take assertive action towards your goals and align your actions with your deepest values.

As Pluto re-enters Aquarius in January 2024, you may experience a shift in your social circles and community involvement. You may be drawn towards causes that align with your values and vision for a better future. This is a powerful time for collaboration and joining forces with like-minded individuals, as the energy of Aquarius is all about innovation and progress. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn from others, as you can make meaningful connections that can lead to exciting opportunities. With Jupiter in your solar first house, you may feel a renewed sense of optimism and confidence in yourself, which can help you take bold risks and step out of your comfort zone. Trust in the power of your ideas and intuition, and be willing to take the necessary steps towards manifesting your dreams.


With Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn in June, Cancer may find themselves revisiting past traumas and emotional wounds. This may feel challenging, but it is an opportunity for deep healing and transformation. It’s important to face these issues head-on and work through them with a trusted therapist or support system. Remember to practice self-care and prioritize your mental health during this time. By confronting your inner demons, you can emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As Pluto re-enters Aquarius in January 2024, Cancer may feel a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. This is a time to pursue your passions and step out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. You may also find yourself drawn to humanitarian causes and social justice issues. Use your empathy and compassion to make a positive impact in the world. This transit can bring exciting opportunities for growth and personal development, so embrace the changes that come your way.


Dear Leo, the retrograde motion of Pluto may intensify your inner dialogue, bringing up some issues you have been avoiding. It’s time to dive deep and confront your fears, traumas, and emotional baggage. This process may be painful, but it will ultimately lead to healing and transformation. Take the time to reflect on your past and see how it has shaped you. Use this opportunity to break free from patterns and habits that are holding you back and make changes that align with your true self. Remember, you are a powerful and courageous individual capable of great things, and this transit will help you unlock your full potential.

In your relationships, the retrograde motion of Pluto may bring some challenges. You may experience power struggles and control issues, which could lead to arguments and tension. It’s important to communicate clearly and openly with your partner or loved ones to avoid misunderstandings. If you are in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, this is a good time to reevaluate and make necessary changes. Remember to focus on your own growth and wellbeing, and trust that the right people will come into your life at the right time. Stay true to yourself, Leo, and embrace the changes that this transit will bring.


Dear Virgo, with Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn in June 2023, your focus may shift towards your career and public image. You may feel compelled to redefine your goals and strategies, especially if you have been feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your professional life. This may be an opportune time to reevaluate your ambitions and what success means to you. Use this period to confront any fears or doubts that may be holding you back, and trust that with patience and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacles in your path. As Pluto enters Aquarius in January 2024, you may experience a renewed sense of inspiration and innovation, which can help you break new ground in your career or bring about positive changes in your community.

On a personal level, this transit may bring about a deeper understanding of your inner psyche and motivations. You may feel drawn towards exploring your unconscious patterns or uncovering hidden truths about yourself. This may be a transformative time for your emotional well-being, and you may benefit from seeking out therapy or spiritual practices that can support your growth. As Pluto enters Aquarius, you may feel called to connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and vision for the future. This can be a time for forming new friendships or partnerships that support your personal and collective growth. Stay open to new experiences and trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor.


With Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn on June 11th, Libra natives may feel a shift in their career and reputation. You may need to re-evaluate your long-term goals and take a deeper look at your ambitions. This is a time to confront any limiting beliefs or fears that may be holding you back from achieving success. Use this transit to empower yourself and develop a more mature and responsible approach to your career. If you have been relying too heavily on others for support or validation, now is the time to take ownership of your own path.

As Pluto moves back into Aquarius in January 2024, you will be presented with opportunities to network and expand your social circle. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and goals. You may find yourself drawn to unconventional or innovative approaches, and this can lead to new and exciting opportunities. However, be mindful of any power struggles or conflicts that may arise in group settings. Remember to assert your boundaries and maintain your independence, while still remaining open to collaboration and mutual growth.


As Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th, Scorpio, you may feel a strong pull towards your past and a need to revisit old wounds. You may find yourself diving deep into your psyche and confronting any buried traumas or fears that have been holding you back. This can be a difficult process, but ultimately a transformative one. Use this time to focus on healing and releasing any negative emotions or beliefs that no longer serve you.

As Pluto continues its retrograde journey, you may find yourself feeling a greater sense of empowerment and transformation. You are likely to experience a significant shift in your perspective and a deepening of your intuition. This can help you to let go of any limiting beliefs and step into your personal power. As Pluto enters Aquarius in January 2024, you may find yourself drawn towards new experiences and a greater sense of individuality. Trust in your intuition and embrace the changes ahead, as they are likely to lead to greater growth and fulfillment.


Sagittarius, Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn on June 11th could bring some challenges and opportunities related to your career and long-term goals. You may find yourself re-evaluating your ambitions and questioning whether you’re on the right path. It’s possible that you’ll have to confront some power struggles or authority figures in your field, but it’s important to stand up for yourself and assert your boundaries. Use this time to reflect on your values and priorities, and don’t be afraid to make necessary changes in your professional life. By doing so, you can pave the way for greater success and fulfillment when Pluto re-enters Aquarius in January 2024.

On a personal level, this transit may bring up some intense feelings around control and power dynamics in your relationships. You may find yourself drawn to partners who challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone, but be careful not to get into a power struggle. It’s important to be honest and communicate openly about your needs and boundaries, and to listen to your partner’s perspective as well. This can be a transformative time for your love life if you’re willing to work through any conflicts that arise. Overall, use this transit as an opportunity to grow and evolve, both personally and professionally.


Capricorn, with Pluto retrograding back into your sign on June 11th, you will feel an intense focus on your personal transformation and inner power. This transit can bring out some deep-seated fears, anxieties, or power struggles that you may have been suppressing or avoiding. It’s time to confront them and address them head-on, so you can move forward with a greater sense of empowerment and confidence. Use this time to dive deep into your psyche, explore your shadow self, and heal any unresolved wounds. You may also find yourself reassessing your goals and ambitions, and questioning whether they align with your true desires and values. Be open to making changes, even if they feel uncomfortable or challenging.

As Pluto continues its journey through Capricorn, you will have the opportunity to shed old layers of yourself and emerge as a more authentic and empowered version of yourself. This transit can help you tap into your inner strength and resilience, and transform any areas of your life that have been holding you back. Be willing to embrace the unknown and take risks, as this can lead to major breakthroughs and growth. January 2024 will mark the final shift of Pluto into Aquarius, so use this time to lay a strong foundation for the next phase of your journey. Trust in your ability to transform and reinvent yourself, and know that you have the power to create a life that is in alignment with your highest self.


As Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th, Aquarians may feel a renewed sense of focus on their career and public image. You may have been experiencing some challenges or delays in these areas, but now is a time to reevaluate your goals and strategies. Use this opportunity to make necessary changes and set yourself up for success in the long term. Be patient and persistent, as progress may not come immediately, but trust that your hard work will pay off.

As Pluto re-enters Aquarius in January 2024, you may feel a sense of liberation and freedom in your personal life. This transit may inspire you to break free from old patterns and embrace new ways of thinking and living. You may feel a strong urge to express your individuality and stand out from the crowd. Embrace this energy and don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. However, be mindful of any tendency towards rebellion or impulsivity, as these may lead to unnecessary conflicts or setbacks. Stay grounded and focused on your goals, and use this transit to create a more authentic and fulfilling life for yourself.


Dear Pisces, during Pluto’s retrograde motion back into Capricorn, you may feel a strong urge to focus on your personal and emotional growth. This period may bring up deep-seated fears, insecurities, and past wounds that you may need to confront and heal. It’s important to take time for self-reflection, therapy, and self-care practices that help you release emotional baggage and clear out any negative patterns that are holding you back.

In your professional life, this transit may bring a period of uncertainty and changes in your career path. You may need to adapt to new circumstances, let go of outdated beliefs or ways of doing things, and embrace a more innovative and progressive mindset. This may be a challenging time, but it’s also an opportunity to reinvent yourself and pursue new goals that align with your values and aspirations. Stay open-minded, flexible, and courageous, and trust that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles.


Pluto’s Final Arrival in Aquarius

The final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024 marks a significant shift in collective consciousness, bringing forth a period of profound transformation and revolution. The Sun’s conjunction to Pluto during this ingress signifies a powerful urge for change, as we shed old patterns and embrace a new sense of freedom and innovation. The Sun’s sextile to Chiron also indicates that we have the potential to heal old wounds and integrate past experiences as we move forward.

However, the Moon’s square to Neptune highlights the potential for confusion and illusions, as we navigate through the unknown and the unpredictable. We must be mindful of our emotions and seek clarity in our intentions and actions. The Moon’s conjunction to Venus offers a glimmer of hope, as we connect with our deepest desires and explore new possibilities in relationships and creative pursuits.

Mercury’s sextile to Neptune can bring forth intuitive insights and creative inspiration, but its retrograde motion in Capricorn suggests that we may need to revisit and reassess our practical plans and strategies. Venus’ trine to Uranus ignites our sense of freedom and individuality, encouraging us to express ourselves in unique and unconventional ways. Mars’ trine to Neptune also infuses us with a sense of compassion and spiritual awareness, helping us to act from a place of empathy and understanding.

Jupiter’s semi-sextile to Uranus brings forth the potential for sudden and unexpected changes, as we expand our horizons and embrace new opportunities for growth. However, Saturn’s retrograde motion in Aquarius reminds us to stay grounded and disciplined in our efforts to create lasting change. The final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius marks a critical juncture in our collective evolution, as we face both challenges and opportunities for growth and transformation.

Pluto Ingress Aquarius Horoscopes



With Pluto entering Aquarius on January 21st, Aries may feel a shift in their focus towards their social and community networks. As Pluto moves through this sector, Aries may feel a sense of transformation in their social circles, and may even see some friendships or associations fall away as they no longer align with their values and goals. The conjunction between the Sun and Pluto can bring powerful energy to this area, driving Aries to take a leadership role in their community and make a significant impact. However, the sextile to Chiron reminds Aries to be mindful of any past wounds or traumas that may be triggered in the process, and to prioritize healing and self-care.

The semi-sextile between Jupiter and Uranus can also bring exciting opportunities for Aries to expand their horizons and try new things. However, the potential for unexpected changes or disruptions may require Aries to stay adaptable and flexible in their approach. With Mars trine Neptune, Aries may find that they are more intuitive and empathic than usual, and can use this energy to tune into the needs of their community and make a positive impact. As the Moon conjoins Venus, Aries may also find that their emotional connections to others are heightened, and may benefit from nurturing their close relationships during this time.


For Taurus, the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024, signals a time of significant transformation in their financial sector. With Pluto transiting their 2nd house of money, resources, and values, Taureans may experience a profound shift in their relationship to material possessions and finances. They may find themselves drawn towards more unconventional means of earning income or exploring new investments that align with their values. The Sun’s conjunction with Pluto highlights the potential for this transformation to be empowering and deeply meaningful, but it may also involve some power struggles or challenges to the Taurean sense of security and stability.

Additionally, Taurus may find themselves grappling with their sense of purpose and direction during this time, as Jupiter in their 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophy is retrograde and semi-sextile Uranus in their 11th house of community, social causes, and friendships. This aspect suggests a need to reevaluate their beliefs and sense of connection to the world around them, while also recognizing that unexpected events or changes may lead them in new and exciting directions. The Taurus individual may benefit from exploring new perspectives and seeking out diverse communities to expand their worldview and find new sources of inspiration.


As Pluto moves into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024, Gemini will experience a shift in their focus towards their social circles and community involvement. The conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius will bring intense energy to the forefront, allowing Gemini to tap into their natural curiosity and explore new avenues of connection with others. This aspect will also bring up issues related to power dynamics within groups, urging Gemini to be mindful of their role and impact on others. The sextile between Mercury and Neptune will enhance Gemini’s communication skills, making it easier for them to connect with others on a deeper, more intuitive level. However, the square to the Moon and Venus may create some tension and confusion within their personal relationships, and it will be important for Gemini to maintain clear boundaries and open communication in order to avoid misunderstandings.

With Uranus transiting through Taurus, the trine between Venus and Uranus during this ingress will bring an exciting spark of creativity and inspiration to Gemini’s work and daily routines. This aspect may also indicate unexpected changes or breakthroughs in their career or health habits, urging them to embrace new approaches and experiment with different methods. The trine between Mars and Neptune will also enhance their ability to focus and work towards their goals with a greater sense of purpose and imagination. However, the square between Mars and Uranus may create some tension and unpredictability in their daily routines, making it important for Gemini to remain adaptable and open to change. Overall, this ingress will be a powerful time for Gemini to connect with their community and revamp their daily habits, but it will require them to stay grounded and focused amidst potential distractions and disruptions.


Cancer, the Pluto ingress into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024, affects your career and public image. With Pluto in your solar tenth house, you may experience significant changes in your professional life, leading to a transformation of your public persona. You may need to confront power dynamics or authority figures in your work environment, but if you can navigate through these challenges, you may emerge with a more empowered and authentic expression of yourself. With the Sun conjunct Pluto in your solar eleventh house, you may also experience shifts in your social circles or group affiliations, perhaps finding a more meaningful connection with people who share your values and aspirations.

The Moon in Sagittarius, your solar seventh house, forms a square to Neptune, indicating potential confusion or uncertainty in your closest relationships. You may need to navigate through emotional fog or illusions to maintain a clear understanding of your partnerships. On a positive note, the Moon also conjuncts Venus, indicating potential for harmonious emotional connections with your partner or loved ones. With Mercury in your solar ninth house sextile to Neptune, you may find inspiration and renewed sense of purpose in your spiritual or philosophical pursuits. You may be drawn to study or travel abroad, expanding your mental horizons and broadening your perspective on life.


Dear Leo, the retrograde motion of Pluto may intensify your inner dialogue, bringing up some issues you have been avoiding. It’s time to dive deep and confront your fears, traumas, and emotional baggage. This process may be painful, but it will ultimately lead to healing and transformation. Take the time to reflect on your past and see how it has shaped you. Use this opportunity to break free from patterns and habits that are holding you back and make changes that align with your true self. Remember, you are a powerful and courageous individual capable of great things, and this transit will help you unlock your full potential.

In your relationships, the retrograde motion of Pluto may bring some challenges. You may experience power struggles and control issues, which could lead to arguments and tension. It’s important to communicate clearly and openly with your partner or loved ones to avoid misunderstandings. If you are in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, this is a good time to reevaluate and make necessary changes. Remember to focus on your own growth and wellbeing, and trust that the right people will come into your life at the right time. Stay true to yourself, Leo, and embrace the changes that this transit will bring.


As Pluto makes its final ingress into Aquarius on January 21st 2024, it will be highlighting themes related to your career and public image, dear Virgo. The Sun’s conjunction with Pluto in your solar tenth house of career and reputation suggests a powerful time of transformation and growth in these areas. This may involve confronting any patterns of self-sabotage or fears around success, as well as embracing your true passions and purpose. The sextile aspect to Chiron indicates that this can also be a time of healing and overcoming past wounds related to your work and public identity.

The Moon’s conjunction with Venus in your solar ninth house of higher education and travel suggests that there may be opportunities for learning and expansion in your career or through travel. However, the square to Neptune in your twelfth house of the unconscious and spiritual growth may indicate some confusion or uncertainty around these opportunities. The sextile aspect between Mercury in your solar eleventh house of networking and Uranus in your solar first house of self suggests that connecting with like-minded individuals can be beneficial for your career growth and personal development. Overall, this Pluto ingress highlights the potential for profound changes and growth in your career and public image, but it may require some emotional and spiritual work to fully embrace and actualize your goals.


As Pluto enters your seventh house of relationships, Libra, you may feel a powerful urge to transform your approach to partnerships. This may involve redefining what you want and need in relationships, as well as letting go of any toxic dynamics that are holding you back. With the Sun conjunct Pluto, you have the potential for deep self-discovery and transformation in this area of your life. However, the square to Uranus indicates that unexpected events or changes may shake things up, so be prepared to stay flexible and adapt as needed.

The Moon’s square to Neptune suggests that there may be some confusion or idealization around relationships, so it’s important to stay grounded and realistic. Mercury’s sextile to Neptune can help you tune into your intuition and communicate your needs effectively, but the retrograde motion suggests that it may be a time of revisiting old patterns and wounds. Venus trine Uranus brings excitement and novelty to your relationships, but be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness or recklessness. Overall, this Pluto ingress can be a powerful time for growth and evolution in your partnerships, but it will require honesty, flexibility, and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves you.


As Pluto, the planet of transformation, enters Aquarius on January 21st, 2024, it brings with it a period of intense introspection and self-examination for Scorpios. With Pluto in your 11th house of community and friendships, you may find yourself reassessing your social connections and the role they play in your life. Some relationships may fall away as you grow and evolve, while others may deepen and become more meaningful.

This transit may also inspire you to pursue your passions and embrace your individuality. With the Sun and Pluto in a conjunction in your 11th house, you may find yourself drawn to causes and movements that align with your values and beliefs. It’s a time to explore your unique talents and strengths and find ways to use them to make a positive impact on the world. However, the Moon’s square to Pluto and Venus in your 8th house of transformation suggests that you may encounter some emotional challenges and have to confront any fears or insecurities that are holding you back. Trust in the transformative power of Pluto and allow yourself to embrace change and growth.


As Pluto makes its final ingress into Aquarius on January 21st 2024, Sagittarius, you may feel a shift in your focus towards your career and public image. With Pluto in your tenth house of career, you may experience a transformation in your professional life over the next several years. This could be a time of deepening your connection to your life’s purpose and making impactful changes in your career. However, the Sun’s conjunction with Pluto and sextile to Chiron indicates that there may be some emotional wounds that need to be addressed before you can fully step into your power. It may be helpful to reflect on any past traumas or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals.

The Moon’s conjunction with Venus and square to Neptune suggests that relationships may be a source of confusion or illusion during this time. You may need to navigate through some emotional ups and downs in your personal and professional relationships. However, the Mars trine to Neptune indicates that you have the motivation and energy to work through any challenges that arise. Trusting your intuition and maintaining healthy boundaries can help you navigate through any relationship dynamics that are causing confusion or uncertainty. Overall, this Pluto ingress can be a powerful time for you to step into your career aspirations and transform your professional life, as long as you stay grounded and address any emotional wounds along the way.


As Pluto ingresses into your sign, Capricorn, on January 21st, 2024, it marks the beginning of a powerful period of personal transformation and empowerment. You may feel a heightened sense of intensity and urgency to shed old patterns and embrace new ways of being. With the Sun conjunct Pluto in your first house, you are encouraged to take ownership of your life and steer it in the direction you desire. This may involve confronting fears and facing challenges head-on, but the reward will be a deeper sense of authenticity and power. Additionally, the sextile between the Sun and Chiron suggests that this process of transformation may involve healing and releasing old wounds, allowing you to move forward with greater self-awareness and confidence.

As Saturn retrogrades in your sign, you may feel the need to reassess your long-term goals and plans. It may be a time to slow down and focus on building a solid foundation for your future. The semi-sextile aspect between Saturn and Neptune reminds you to stay grounded and realistic, while also keeping your dreams and ideals in mind. This may involve finding a balance between your practical and visionary sides, as well as taking a strategic approach to achieving your goals. Overall, this Pluto ingress can be a powerful time for you to embrace your personal power and create a life that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.


As Pluto enters your sign on January 21st, 2024, Aquarius, you may experience a sense of intensity and transformation in your life. This is a powerful time for you to dig deep and uncover any hidden aspects of yourself or your life that need to be brought to light. With the Sun also in your sign, there is a sense of renewed energy and confidence that can propel you forward. However, the square to Uranus suggests that unexpected events or changes may occur that challenge you to adapt and be flexible. Embrace this time as an opportunity for growth and evolution, as you shed old patterns and embrace new possibilities.

The Moon’s square to Neptune indicates that you may need to navigate some confusion or illusions, particularly in your emotional life. It is important to stay grounded and avoid getting caught up in any unrealistic expectations or fantasies. The trine between Venus and Uranus can bring some exciting and unexpected developments in your relationships or social life, but beware of impulsive or reckless behavior that could cause unnecessary drama. Overall, this is a time for you to embrace your individuality and pursue your unique path, while staying open to new opportunities and experiences that come your way.


As Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st, 2024, Pisces will be influenced by this transformative energy in their career and public image. The conjunction of Pluto and the Sun in Pisces’ tenth house indicates a time of powerful changes and potential for a complete overhaul of their professional life. This may involve breaking down old structures and rebuilding from the ground up, as well as letting go of any limiting beliefs or fears that have been holding Pisces back. The Sun’s sextile to Chiron indicates that healing may be an important aspect of this process, and that any wounds related to Pisces’ career or sense of purpose may come up for resolution.

Pisces may also feel the tension of the Moon’s square to Neptune, which can bring confusion and uncertainty to their public image or reputation. It is important for Pisces to stay grounded and clear in their communication, as Mercury’s retrograde sextile to Neptune may bring some misunderstandings or miscommunications. However, this aspect also offers an opportunity to revisit past projects or ideas and revise them with a fresh perspective. Venus’ trine to Uranus brings a sense of excitement and innovation to Pisces’ career or public persona, and they may receive unexpected opportunities or recognition during this time. It is important for Pisces to embrace the transformative energy of this Pluto ingress and trust in their ability to evolve and grow in their professional life.


Looking Forward

The impact of the three transits of Pluto will be significant in terms of transforming society on a deep level. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn (2008-2024) has been shaking up structures of power and authority, revealing corruption and bringing forth the need for reform. This has been reflected in the political, economic, and social systems around the world, as we have witnessed a rise in populist movements, protests against inequality and injustice, and a growing awareness of our impact on the environment. As Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, we will see a shift towards more innovative and egalitarian approaches to governance and social structures. This transit will bring forth a desire for more progressive and forward-thinking solutions to the problems we face as a global society.

As Pluto transits through Pisces (2043-2048), we will experience a deepening of our spiritual and emotional awareness as a collective. This transit will bring forth a need for compassion and empathy, as we confront the shadow aspects of our society and work towards healing collective wounds. We may see a rise in interest in spirituality, meditation, and alternative forms of healing. This transit will also bring forth a need for greater interconnectedness and collaboration, as we recognize the importance of working together to address global issues.

Let’s Talk About “Fortune” – Riding the Waves of Loss and Gain

Tarot is often associated with fortune-telling, where we picture a mystical gypsy at a fair or a psychic in a cozy room. However, there are many other ways to use Tarot. One of these is to reflect on the meanings and ideas represented by each card. These cards represent universal experiences that we all share, and by reflecting on them, we can learn more about ourselves. In this article, we’ll delve into the archetype of “Fortune” – exploring the duality of gain and loss, happiness and sadness. How we approach these experiences greatly affects the outcome, and by understanding the symbolism of the “Fortune” card, we can gain insights into our own lives. So, let’s take a journey into the world of Tarot and discover what secrets it holds for us.

Symbolism of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune card is a complex image that contains a wealth of symbolic meaning. At the top of the wheel, we see an Egyptian Sphinx wearing the crown of a Pharaoh. The Sphinx is a symbol of mystery and the Pharaoh was believed to be the physical representative of the gods in ancient Egypt. Together, these figures represent the side of ourselves that has knowledge and insight into the workings of nature and the unseen forces.

In contrast to this figure of knowledge and insight, we see a devilish character depicted beneath the Sphinx. This figure appears to be sinking lower beneath the wheel, astrologically symbolizing a loss of power and influence. This devilish character represents negative forces that can threaten to undermine our progress and success.

The wheel itself represents the cycles of fortune and fate that we experience in life, with different symbols and figures around its circumference representing the various factors that can influence these cycles. The interplay between these symbols suggests a duality and balance between positive and negative forces, which is a recurring theme in the card’s meaning.

One of the most striking symbols on the card is the snake that appears in the bottom left quadrant. The snake is often associated with transformation and rebirth, and its appearance on the Wheel of Fortune suggests that change and transformation are integral to the cycles of fortune and fate that the card represents. As the wheel turns, the snake appears to be shedding its skin, symbolizing the idea of transformation and the shedding of old patterns and habits in order to make way for new growth and opportunities.

The Good Times and the Bad

We all know someone, whether in real life or in a fictional story, who seems to be overtaken by grief or some other emotion that rules their entire life. Perhaps this person has experienced something so terrible that we can empathize with them for a time. We can listen to their stories of hardship, help them through some tough times, and maybe even cushion the blow for them for a while. Sometimes this person bounces back and tries to find their luck again, while other times they seem to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of misfortune. We can follow them down into their deepest sorrows, offer our condolences time and time again, and help them climb out of yet another hole. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, these people continue to repeat the same mistakes and live the same experiences again and again. It’s easy to believe that this is just who they are, that this is their personality.

The truth is, it’s sadly easy to get knocked around by life one too many times and feel as though “this is my life now.” As Jim Morrison of The Doors once said, “I’ve been down so Goddamn long that it looks like up to me.” We forget that we’ve been “down so Goddamn long” that we lose perspective, and our frame of reference becomes skewed. We become comfortable in our misery and wish to maintain it, all the while forgetting that the Wheel of Fortune turns every day, bringing new opportunities and challenges our way.

In this state, we could trip over a brick of gold, grumble about the inconvenience, and carry on walking toward our next failure. We become addicted to being “down,” instead of striving for true health and happiness. But what if we adjust our perspective just a little and see failure as an opportunity to learn? Instead of beating ourselves up over our failures, we can learn what works and what doesn’t, what our strengths and weaknesses are. Maybe we can see the blessings the world is giving us in this moment, but we weren’t prepared to see them before because we were too busy shitting on ourselves.

The Wheel of Fortune turns every day, and every once in a while, it gives us an opportunity to apply our lessons, wisdom, and strength to a situation, which can turn our whole world upside-down and into our favor once again. We’ve seen it before in other people’s lives – they were given opportunities either out of the blue or because they put in the effort, and everything changed for them. We can do that too. You can do that if you only see the world for what it truly is – a reflection of your intentions and hard work.

But remember, on the other side, you may feel as if everything is going for you and that you’re on top of the world. Yet the Wheel of Fortune will keep turning, as it always does. The world will turn upside-down again, and you may find yourself at the bottom. The question is, how will you respond to that? Will you take the tides of change personally and fight against them, or will you accept that circumstances have changed and wait patiently until the Wheel of Fortune turns again and your time comes back around? The trick of this game is that it’s much easier to remember when you’re falling than when you’re climbing. One day your cup may overflow, and the next it may run dry, and you must seek the charity of others. You have no control over this fact of life, except for your attitude toward it.


The Truth About the Tarot – How to Embrace Divination

Anyone even slightly familiar with the imagery of the tarot – popularly accompanied by a gypsie/Romani lady, the colour purple, and a crystal ball – will say it’s cryptic and maybe even spooky. This is in fact the majority of the tarot’s power. Skeptics will say this is to swindle the foolish, which is valid, but the story goes deeper.

Origins of the Tarot

The origin is controversial. If you ask most historians they’ll tell you they first came about in 1400s France, yet we have suggestions of them coming from ancient Egypt or from earlier. The disagreement on their place of birth comes about from an anthropology disagreement. Our modern minds tend to separate things into mundane (ordinary) and mystical objects, despite our ancestors never making such distinctions – in this case, we’ve separated tarot from playing cards. “Playing cards” have been in use for centuries before we even began recording history, as far as Egypt and China. These decks were surely used to play games, much like you can play a game of poker with today’s Tarot, but from what we know about these ancient cultures, they had a lot more meaning and use.

Peoples around the world as far back in history as we can tell have been developing tools to produce random results to “cast lots” in order to understand the desires of, or communicate with, the gods. An example is the use of the Yi Jing/I Ching in China, dated at the 9th Century BC – a sophisticated book of hexegrams known as “The Book of Changes” in English, which was consulted by the people to receive advice. It’s a very impressive and useful divination system, and I suggest you try it out. There are about as many divination tools as you can imagine, including dice or tea leaves at the bottom of your cup, and there’s really no way of knowing how old any of them are.

Our current Tarot probably had its beginning in 1300s Europe with its four suits and court cards. There’s no saying when these began to be used for divination or if they always were, but mainly they were used to play games. Despite this seeming innocent to us today, the church and authorities at the time saw the practice as dangerous, as playing with random arrangements of pieces of card was seen as “tempting fate” and “playing with the devil.” Having any kind of randomness in your life was deemed evil… for some reason… almost like these authorities knew that the function of randomness had an actual purpose and meaning, so they banned it. We know the early church up until this day embrace Astrology and other occult arts, preferring the rest of us remain frightened of them. Wave after wave of bans and persecution on the most silliest of activities like playing cards with friends, while the Vatican themselves embraced such things – Any thinking person should consider that they knew something and, under the excuse of keeping us safe, kept those arts from the people.

Modern Tarot

Today, as I mentioned, we separate the mundane from the mystical. Either something is just an ordinary object or it’s some ultra mystical or spiritual object that either doesn’t exist in physical reality or has some spooky history to it – like a haunted house or something. We even see ourselves this way. We live in a physical body that we’ll have to “leave” some day and our spirit/soul is somewhere out there in an unreachable place. You might already agree, but this is pure nonsense that’s been drilled into our heads from birth. It’s an idea that only existed for a few hundred years and, mainly, only in Europe. It’s such nonsense, that most people have seen through it by now, with the sad result of us rejecting the spiritual and keeping just the physical. Most of us live our lives seeing things “as they are” and read no further significance into them, making tea leaf reading and Astrology laughable to us. After all, what can some soggy vegetable matter at the bottom of your cup and the current position of Venus relative to the Earth have to say about our current lives?

Although many conmen (and conwomen) out there will use the mysterious symbolism on the Tarot and other ornaments to lure in vulnerable people who need help, only to swindle them with cold reading, this isn’t the only use of the mysterious imagery. We’ve divorced ourselves so much from the idea that the mundane world is full of signs from the divine that we require a specialised environment to mystify us and change our state of consciousness, allowing such magic to even occur. Even the Tarot reader him/herself requires this environment to take them out of the mundane world – the world dominated by money, taxes, worldly laws, and work hours etc. An ancient part of our mind, which is always active but ignored, needs to be tuned into by both the reader and the client in order to read and interpret the signs in the cards (crystal ball, tea leaves etc).

The mysterious appearance of the Tarot is also instrumental in pulling in new readers. That’s another story for another day.

How Tarot Actually Works

Whether the reader is aware or not, he or she is entering into an altered state of consciousness which many people would nowadays say is a “right brain” dominated state. It’s a place where the usual concerns of life and even their sense of self is secondary – somewhere far far away from where they are now. This removes expectations of what the reader might find in the cards that are up-turned. A state of free-association allowing them to weave together a story which they will make sense of with, yes, Cold Reading. The largely unconscious interpretation of themes presented by the cards coupled with where the reader perceives the client (person being read for) is in their lives at this point. As such, the reader relies on their client to be somewhat open to the process too. Although there are times that the reading will hold significance no matter what state either person is in, the success rate tends to be a coin toss.

Many Tarot readers are what we now call psychic-mediums, opening themselves up to non-physical personalities to provide a reading – either spirits they normally communicate with or spirits related to the client. I would personally warn you against seeking readings from people who use such practices as asking a spirit you don’t know for advice is as wise as approaching a random person on the street. You must remember that we live in a world with people who have their own agendas, which makes receiving a Tarot reading dodgy to begin with, so involving spirits in the process is just adding an extra unknown factor to the process. Speaking as a psychic-medium myself, I advise you that spirit intervention isn’t even needed in this process as the software of God/universe/consciousness itself is what drives it. Involving a third party makes as much sense as a committed couple having a threesome – maybe it might work out, but it usually doesn’t, and success ultimately depends upon all three participants knowing and being comfortable with each other. That’s not to say you can never have an enjoyable and rewarding threesome as there are a few psychic-mediums out there with a genuine gift and awareness of what they’re doing – but why bother?

Consider booking me for a Tarot consultation. Contact me with the keyword “TarotTruth” for a 25% discount.


My hopes is that my little essay will help. Either you’re interested in Tarot and are confused because nobody seems to talk about HOW it’s done, you already read and are still unsure how the f*ck this stuff even happens, or you want to receive a reading and you’re unsure of what you’re walking into.

Throughout history and before we even recorded history, the line between madness and brilliance has been recognised. Many come to the border between ordinary reality and the beyond – some go insane, some bring back treasures that improve all our lives. The former we drug and put in mental institutions, the latter we look up to as prophets or saints. We all have our own comfort zone when it comes to how close or far we are from that dangerous line, and the better we understand it the more content we’ll be with ourselves.